Resale of Made-up Terms Permissible, Just Like Acronyms, Dictionary Words, and Common Phrases – ICA UDRP Digest – Vol 2.40

Kate DwyerUDRP, UDRP Case Summaries

Thank you for tuning in to this week’s digest (Vol 2.40)!  In this issue, we review these noteworthy decisions: ‣ Resale of Made-up Terms Permissible, Just Like Acronyms, Dictionary Words, and Common Phrases (nobli .com *with commentary) ‣ Gibson Guitars Should Have Done a Google Search before Commencing Complaint (tobias .com) ‣ Registrant Name Corresponding to Domain Name Does Not …

Complainant Attempts to Withdraw Complaint after Respondent Requests RDNH Ruling – ICA UDRP Digest – Vol 2.38

Kate DwyerUDRP, UDRP Case Summaries, Uncategorized

Thank you for joining us for the Digest(vol. 2.38) as we cover some of the most interesting decisions from the past week: ‣ Complainant Attempts to Withdraw Complaint after Respondent Demands RDNH Ruling (veripro .com *with commentary) ‣ Domain Name Registered Before Complainant’s Existence (snugg .com) ‣ Panel Finds Absence of Secondary Meaning in Business Dispute (redreactive .com) ‣ Mambo …

Domain Name UDRP’d Twice, by Different Complainants – ICA UDRP Digest – Vol 2.37

Kate DwyerUDRP, UDRP Case Summaries

Thank you for tuning in!  This week’s digest is covering a handful of compelling recent decisions: ‣ Domain Name UDRP’d Twice, by Different Complainants (kosmos .com *with commentary)  ‣ RDNH Found but Dissenting Opinion Additionally Finds Legitimate Interest (redgrass .com *with commentary)  ‣ Domain Name Corresponding to Disclaimed Words Ordered Transferred (exclusivebeauty .com *with commentary)  ‣ Trademark / Copyright Infringement …

“Commercial Considerations” in Selling Price Does Not Establish Motive – ICA UDRP Digest – Vol 2.36

Kate DwyerUDRP, UDRP Case Summaries

Welcome to the latest UDRP digest!  It’s a busy week, with Zak, Ankur and several other ICA members traveling to ICANN75 in Kuala Lumpur. Bon Voyage! Nevertheless, here we are to report on some of the past week’s most interesting UDRP decisions.  Join us we take a closer look at: ‣ “Commercial Considerations” in Selling Price Does Not Establish Motive  (CortexComputer .com *with commentary) ‣ Nominative …

”Upon Information and Belief” Inadequate in UDRP Proceedings – ICA UDRP Digest – Vol 2.34

Kate DwyerUDRP, UDRP Case Summaries

Thank you for tuning in to this week’s digest (Vol 2.34)!  In this issue, we review these noteworthy decisions: ‣ “Upon Information and Belief” Inadequate in UDRP Proceedings (KaufmanAuctions .com *with commentary) ‣ Complainant’s “Knowingly False Statement” Results in RDNH (IpnPaymentUs .com) ‣ Nominative Fair Use Defense Fails in Comparative Advertising Case (RechargePayment .com *with commentary) ‣ Record Doesn’t Show …

A UDRP is not a ‘Notice Pleading’ – ICA UDRP Digest – Vol 2.33

Kate DwyerUDRP, UDRP Case Summaries

Thank you for tuning in to this week’s digest (Vol 2.33). In this issue, we review these noteworthy decisions: ‣ A UDRP is not a ‘Notice Pleading’ (titmouse .com) ‣ CIIDRC Panelist’s Research Reveals Respondent Engaged in “Ten-Year Scamming Spree” (esosuite .com) ‣ Steps .App Fitness App v Step .App Finance Fitness App: No Evidence of Targeting (step .app) ‣ …

Zak Muscovitch joins CIIDRC’s Domain Name Dispute Resolution Panel

Kamila SekiewiczBlog, ICA, News, UDRP

The ICA extends its congratulations to CIIDRC on its appointment of Zak Muscovitch to its roster of panelists deciding disputes under ICANN’s UDRP (Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy) and under CIRA’s .ca CDRP (Canadian Dispute Resolution Policy).  Zak is one of the foremost experts in the field of domain name law. CIIDRC is fortunate to have the benefit of …,, and more interesting domain names cases! ICA UDRP Digest – Vol 1.18

Kamila SekiewiczDomain Law, UDRP, UDRP Case Summaries

Welcome to this week’s UDRP Digest (vol. 1.18), summarizing the most intriguing cases of the past week. Read about: ‣ A Respondent in a Different Jurisdiction Cannot Be Expected to Have a Constructive Notice of Trademark (caribou .com)  ‣ A Term Can Be “Generic and Common” Despite not Appearing in an English Dictionary (lumos .com)  ‣ Competitor Who Tries to …

Hard-Hitting RDNH Findings and More – ICA UDRP Digest – Vol 1.16

Kamila SekiewiczUDRP, UDRP Case Summaries, WIPO

Welcome to this week’s UDRP Digest (vol. 1.16), summarizing the most intriguing cases of the past week. Read about: ‣ Panelist Neuman Makes Extensive RDNH Finding Against Complainant Who Waited 20 Years and Failed to Prove Even Common Law Rights (electrosoft .com) ‣ Panelist Nahitchevansky Finds RDNH on First Domain, Transfers the Other Ten to Complainant (idahomerealty .com and more) …

Star UDRP Panelists Hand Out Big Losses to Complainants – ICA UDRP Digest – Vol 1.7

Kamila SekiewiczUDRP, UDRP Case Summaries

Welcome to this week’s UDRP Digest (vol. 1.7), summarizing the most intriguing cases of the past week. Read about: ‣ Complainant Agrees to Purchase Domain Name, Then Brings UDRP and Loses, Gets Slapped with RDNH (transcrip .com) ‣ Sky Fail (skycell .com) ‣ Arigato, Mr. Roboto! (smart-robotics .com) ‣ $6,888 Domain Name – Complaint Brings UDRP Instead of Buying – …