WIPO Proposes to “Compliment” UDRP at New gTLDs With New RPMs That Will Accelerate Trademark Rights

Philip CorwinBlog

Domainers may think that RPMs are something they can check on their car’s tachometer, but WIPO is proposing a new species of RPMs that have the potential to fundamentally change the domain name dispute arbitration process — and substantially increase the risk of reverse domain name hijacking – first at new gTLDs, and later at incumbent gTLDs. The ICA is …

What Were They Thinking ? DC Think Tank Proposes to Let Registries and Registrars Run ICANN While Tilting UDRP

Philip CorwinBlog

The Technology Policy Institute, a Washington-based “think tank”, has just released a report titled “ICANN At A Crossroads: A Proposal for Better Governance and Performance”. The report is available at http://techpolicyinstitute.org/files/icann%20at%20a%20crossroads1.pdf. While much of the report is a thoughtful analysis of ICANN’s history, present operations, virtues, and shortcomings, its recommendations are sure to set off teeth-gnashing among domainers and  within …

ICA Speaks Out at ICANN Public Forum in Mexico City

Philip CorwinBlog

On Thursday, March 5, 2009 the ICANN Board listened to the views and concerns of attendees at its Mexico City meeting. The full transcript of the Public Forum can be found at: http://mex.icann.org/files/meetings/mexico2009/transcript-public-forum-05mar09-en.txt. ICA Counsel Philip Corwin made the following remarks on behalf of ICA’s members (note: transcript edited to correct typos and for grammar and to provide clarity) — …

ICA Counsel Philip Corwin YouTube Interview at the Mexico City ICANN Meeting

Philip CorwinBlog

Dynamic Network Services Inc. conducted a series of interviews with opinion leader attendees at the Mexico City ICANN meeting, including one with ICA Counsel Philip Corwin. In this interview he discusses the domain name investment and development industry perspective on the protection of trademark rights and geographic names in new gTLDs, as well as the future of ICANN in a …

ICA Joins ICANN Business Constituency Working Group on Registration Abuse Policy

Philip CorwinBlog

The ICA is an International Member of ICANN’s Business Constituency. We recently learned that, on February 19, the Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO), ICANN’s policymaking body, approved a motion (below) to establish a new Working Group on Registration Abuse Policies (WGRAP). The ICA has elected to become a member of this Working Group. As professional registrants, domain name investors and …

ICA Reports on the February 6th ICANN Policy Forum Held in Washington, D.C.

Philip CorwinBlog

On Friday, February 6, 2009 an all-day ICANN Policy Forum was held at the headquarters of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, an imposing 1920s Indiana limestone structure located directly across Lafayette Park from the White House. The event reflects the growing Washington interest in the workings of ICANN as the September 2009 termination date of the current JPA approaches, as …

New York Eager to Follow in Kentucky’s Footsteps

Philip CorwinBlog

While the Kentucky Supreme Court takes its time to consider overturning last month’s decision of the state appeals court rejecting Governor Steve Beshear’s attempt to seize 141 domain names on the grounds that they were “gambling devices”, the state of New York wasted no time introducing legislation to avoid any similar disputes over the interpretation of their state’s anti-gambling measures. …

House Judiciary Committee Plans ICANN Oversight

Philip CorwinBlog

On January 27, 2009 the House Committee on the Judiciary adopted a wide-ranging plan for oversight to be conducted by it during the new, 111th Congress. As described below, they plan to delve into ICANN matters at the full Committee level, chaired by Representative John Conyers (D-MI). The Committee’s inquiry will be based upon its jurisdiction over intellectual property and …

ICA Dissents on BC Position Regarding New gTLDs

Philip CorwinBlog

The ICA is an international member of ICANN’s Business Constituency. On January 26, 2009 the BC adopted a position regarding ICANN’s draft application guidelines for new gTLDs by a vote of 46-8, with 11 abstentions; overall, 30 members of the BC, representing 63% of its total membership, voted on this matter. The ICA cast a No vote on the BC …

WIPO Decision to Strip Owner of RAI.MOBI Causes Concern for Domain Owners

Philip CorwinBlog

The Complainant, RAI Radiotelevisione Italiana S.p.A. of Italy, filed a complaint with the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center in connection with the domain rai.mobi. The Complainant alleged that in registering the domain rai.mobi the Respondent, Netwizzy Company S.L of Spain, infringed on the Complainant’s trademarks which incorporate the letters “RAI” to which the Complainant is widely recognized. The Complainant stated …